Sometimes the only way to connect with people outside of your particular sphere is to try to push your idea up and over the momentum-killing chain of command. 有时,如果你想和特定领域外的人联系,就得推动创意超越扼杀动力的行政管理系统。
Hics establishes a clear chain of command, common nomenclature, clear reporting and clarity of roles, and the ability to quickly expand or contract a response based on the nature of the incident. HICS系统建立了一个明确的指挥链、共同的术语、清晰的报告系统和角色职责,以及基于事件性质迅速扩大或收缩反应规模的能力。
If there is a chain of command that must be followed, follow it& but keep track of who has been notified and when, as well as what the responses are. 如果必须遵循一系列命令,则按照其执行&但要记录何时通知了哪些人以及所得到的回应是什么。
All along the chain of command there are teams of people attending to the details of the daily business of government. And every team, in every division, of every department is important for the smooth and efficient running of Hong Kong. 在整个管理系统中,有各级人员处理日常施政的每一步工作,每个部门每一科系组别的同事,都对香港顺畅而高效的施政十分重要。
Complaints go up the chain of command, not down. 在行政管理系统中,抱怨会自下向上传播,而不是自上向下。
Helen Boaden, the BBC's director of news and current affairs, and her deputy, Stephen Mitchell, have handed over their responsibilities to others for the time being to address the lack of clarity around the editorial chain of command, the corporation said. 海伦•博登,BBC时事新闻总监及其副手史蒂夫•米奇尔,目前正把他们的职责移交他人以解决在一系列编辑控制中透明度缺乏的问题,该公司说。
The chain of command on trading floors runs up from senior dealers to desk heads, departmental managers and all the way up to the board. 交易部门的指令链从高级交易员到交易主管、部门经理,最后一直向上延伸到董事会。
This is partly because it has a clearer military chain of command and partly because there is a growing feeling that the CIA should be doing a bit less killing and a bit more traditional spying. 部分是因为五角大楼有更清晰的军事指挥体系,部分也是因为有种感觉越来越明显,即中情局应该少做一点杀戮,多做一点传统的情报工作。
Our vegetables, however, come to us through a long chain of command. 然而,我们的蔬菜是经过一个长长的控制环节才供应到我们手中。
But unhampered by bureaucratic chain of command. 但可以无视官僚政治的命令。
And no timeline has been announced for organizing a cyber chain of command for the Army. 关于为陆军组织网络指挥链的时间表,目前尚不明确。
You're outside your appropriate chain of command. 你已经处于你恰当的指挥系统之外了。
We must move quickly to a larger,__ hybrid__ United Nations-African Union peacekeeping force with a single unified chain of command that__ conforms__ United Nations standards and practices. 我们必须建立一个更大的,统一指挥的,遵守联合国规定和惯例的联合国与非盟混合的维和部队。
But down the chain of command, corruption remains the rule rather than the exception, and many doubt that the new measures will be able to change that. 但是在指挥链下,仍然普遍存在腐败问题。许多人都怀疑新的措施是否能改变现状。
Let me expiain how the chain of command works. 让我来告诉你们指挥系统是怎么运行的。
Find the time to build relationships outside of your own chain of command. 此外,抽时间去建立自己控制范围外的一些人际关系也是非常重要的。
Let me explain how the chain of command works. 让我来给你解释解释指挥系统是怎么运作的。
Chain of command running from the boss down to the office junior. 从老板直至办公室小职员的一套指挥系统。
He could be in the chain of command even down to the smallest units. 他可以指挥到美军的最小单位。
They had an interpreter also standing there. I was the first one to talk to them, and tried to get him to let me call either the ambassador or my chain of command. 他们有一个翻译站在那里,我是第一个跟他们交谈的人,试着让他准许我给大使或着上级打电话。
One scenario is known as "decapitation", an attempt to crumble the other side's chain of command and control by attacking the physical location of its political leaders. 有一种叫做砍头战术的设想,是攻击对方政治领袖的所在地,从而消灭对方的指挥、控制系统。
Once they are part of the political system, further evaluations are required to move up the chain of command. 一旦他们成为这个政治体制的一部分,要向更高的领导岗位晋升,还需要进一步的评估。
At its heart, an organisation is a dynamic network of commitments up and down the chain of command, across units and to external stakeholders. 从本质上讲,一个组织就是整个指挥系统、各部门之间以及对外部股东的动态承诺网络。
Despite its west coast cool, Apple has long had more in common with a well-drilled army, with the joint chiefs on top, the privates and contractors down below and a strict chain of command binding them together. 苹果虽然有着西海岸的酷派气质,长时间以来却更像一支训练有素的军队,顶层的参谋长、基层的普通士兵和雇佣军由一个严格的指挥系统紧密地凝聚在一起。
He will be an extra and unnecessary link in the chain of command. 他在整个指挥链条中将成为一个额外的和多余的环节。
"Man down" sounds like a refrain through the squad, echoing up the chain of command. “有人中弹!”一个声音回响在全班战士的耳边,同时也启动了一系列命令。
Chain of command over there leaks worse than a broken sieve. 那里的指令链就像破筛子一样。
This difficult problem that how to build the dynamic military symbol in the dynamic military symbol editor and marker module of the chain of command in battlefield is studied. 针对战场指挥系统中军标符号编辑和标绘模块里的难点&动态军标符号的生成问题进行了研究。
That is strategic espionage. Targeted acts of sabotage disrupt, but the real pay-off comes from identifying the human and technical links in the chain of command. 这是战略性的谍报活动,目标是破坏和干扰,但真正的收益在于识别指挥链中的人员与技术联系。
That raises the possibility, at least, that secret data may have been captured by the keylogger, and then transmitted over the public internet to someone outside the military chain of command. 这至少增加了这样的可能,即机密数据可能被键盘记录器捕获,然后通过公共互联网被传输给军事指挥系统之外的人。